November 2, 2018

PowerPoint Screen and Ribbon

A clear understanding of the various components of the PowerPoint screen is essential to effectively use PowerPoint and to create engaging professional presentations efficiently.
November 2, 2018

Build an Engaging Video Presentation (Level 1)

From animations and video, through to organization charts and process flows, PowerPoint is your complete presentation graphics package providing everything you need for communicating information in an engaging and professional format. Gaining a solid foundation in planning your presentations and understanding PowerPoint’s powerful capabilities and features is essential to save […]
October 4, 2018

Document Formatting and Productivity Techniques

This course covers selected features in Microsoft Word relevant to office administration roles within organizations at intermediate level.
October 4, 2018

Add and Manage Watermarks

To let others know the status of a document you can select from several common watermarks in Word such as DRAFT and SAMPLE or design your own.
October 4, 2018

Customize the Ribbon

You can display, hide, re-order and rename tabs on the Ribbon showing frequently used commands and hiding the commands you rarely use.
October 4, 2018

Insert and Update Built-In Fields

Fields can provide precise control and display of dynamic text in a document and include examples such as Table of Contents, Date, Index and Mail Merge (MergeField).
October 4, 2018

Define Different Header Titles per Section

For large documents such as books or complex reports you can divide components of a document, such as chapters, into sections then add a title or other text that is specific to each component into the header of that component.
October 4, 2018

Add and Link to Bookmarks in a Document

Bookmarks can identify a specific word, section, or location in your document that you name and identify for future reference.
October 4, 2018

Use the Go To Feature

The Go To command in Word allows you to send the insertion pointer to locations in a document including for example, a specific page, section, line, bookmark, heading or object.
September 13, 2018

Link a Chart from Excel to Word

Both embedded charts and charts on a separate sheet can be copied and pasted into other applications such as Word and PowerPoint either with or without a link back the source chart in Excel. As Excel is a preferred application for charting and managing chart data, it is practical to […]
September 12, 2018

Manage Links Between Workbooks

When working with formulas linking external workbooks, it is essential to understand key aspects associated with managing linked files.
September 12, 2018

Link Between Workbooks

Linking formulas can transfer a value to a new place in a different workbook.
September 10, 2018

Link Between Worksheets

Linking formulas can transfer a value to a new place in a different worksheet in the same workbook.
September 10, 2018

Hyperlink to Cells External Files and Web Pages

You can insert a hyperlink, as used on the internet, into a worksheet cell to instantly navigate to a cell or range of cells in another worksheet. Hyperlinks in Excel can also instantly switch to another file or web page.
September 10, 2018

Linking Between MS Excel and MS Access

You can import tables of data from Excel into Access to take advantage of the range of powerful data query and reporting capabilities available in Access.
September 10, 2018

Link a Chart Title to a Spreadsheet Title

You can link a chart title to the displayed content of a single cell on the same or another worksheet.
August 9, 2018

Switch Column and Row Orientation

This is the course description below the heading.
August 3, 2018

Timelines in Power Pivot

If your Data Model has date fields that are also used in a PivotTable you can create a timeline which can be used to interactively filter your displayed PivotTable data.
August 3, 2018

Slicers in Power Pivot

Slicers are a visual display mechanism in PowerPivots which allow you to interactively filter your PivotTable display using fields and data from your Data Model.
August 3, 2018

Format a Data Model and PivotTable in Power Pivot

Fields imported into a Power Pivot Data Model appear with formatting that has been applied in the source location where that data was created.